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Martech Business Solutions Blog

Martech Business Solutions has been serving the Michigan area since 1988, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Avoiding Major IT Problems can Shift Your Business’ Fortunes

Avoiding Major IT Problems can Shift Your Business’ Fortunes

One of the biggest letdowns a business can have is when its IT malfunctions, rendering its operations interrupted. Nowadays, there are plenty of actions you can take to ensure that you are in the best position to avoid such occurrences from happening. Let’s go through a few practices that circumvent technology problems and will put your business on the path to productivity.

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Don’t Let a Disaster Ruin Your Business

Don’t Let a Disaster Ruin Your Business

We have all heard about disaster scenarios in which offices are struck by terrifying threats that put the organization on life support. However, the most devastating disasters don’t necessarily have to destroy your business’ office to really do measurable harm to your organization. All they have to do is disrupt your operations so profoundly that it can be a real challenge to recover.

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You Might Not Realize the Critical Role Backup Plays

You Might Not Realize the Critical Role Backup Plays

There are many moving parts of a functional and successful business, all of which depend on access to its data. If you’re not prepared for a worst-case scenario in which your data gets wiped out, you’ll be in dire straits with no opportunities for recovery. If you take proactive action now, you can prevent a data loss incident from sinking your business.

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Your Business Needs to be Preparing for Disasters of All Types

Your Business Needs to be Preparing for Disasters of All Types

There are a lot of things that can cause a disaster for your business. In fact, you may be surprised to learn that human error is the most prevalent cause for a business disaster. Not a flood, not a fire, not a global pandemic, but someone making a mistake, doing something negligent, or trying to sabotage your business. 

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How Imagining the Worst-Case Scenario Now, Can Protect Your Business From Its Impacts

How Imagining the Worst-Case Scenario Now, Can Protect Your Business From Its Impacts

It’s a known fact that businesses do not want to imagine what might happen under the absolute worst conditions, but it is something that comes with the territory of being a business owner. If you don’t plan for the worst, it could potentially place your company at risk. How can you prepare yourself for the struggles that come with disaster recovery?

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AI has infiltrated the zeitgeist in a way that few technologies have. It’s rare to hear about anyone who has no opinion on how it should or should not be used. Businesses, however, can take full advantage of the situation and capitalize on ...